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“Love is the bridge to all you want.” 👍🏽 Totally, if you really know self and genuinely love life. And it’s totally NOT hippy or idealist nonsense anyone needs to grow out of, but honestly the cure to all forms of chronic stress, disease and the conflicts it causes.

The monsters and the politicians & media personalities they control who’ve been keeping people constantly stressed, and afraid, and sick, and at war are terrified humanity may catch on before they are able to trap us to WW3 and finish us off.

“They,” from their comfortable bomb shelters, really fear humanity for the first time ever in history (because of communication technology), that we may actually wise up and start loving each-other, which would destroy them. We’d finally be able to take back our individual rights to life, liberty and everything they’ve stolen through their controls over humanity with disease & war.

The Love & Appreciation of life—the art & music of free life—is in itself so very beautiful to me, beyond words. It’s the only reason I live, meditate daily, continue to work on my art & literature and never give up on humanity—the beauty of diversified life still in love with life and refusing to kneel to the monster’s demands to own everything, including our DNA & souls.

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